Thursday, August 18, 2011

Void emerge from the South Africa Republic's space programme.

I think surprised many South Africa South Africa African space program to learn. This considerably under important facts news radar somehow have generally; issue rather confused, probably, is a way that was intended. All of the South Africa Republic account maintained a toe hold delicate since the beginning of the space technology development competition. 50'S and 70s between North Hartebeesthoek (Johannesburg) of NASA tracking station helped countries to track satellites, and 80's South Africa Republic's first space program started.

Programs are mostly was a success. Built in Grabouw satellite integration, test facilities, Western Cape Province, was built in the Launcher facility arniston, Cape South coast. Unfortunately the program without having to launch a satellite, 1994 aborted.

Stellenbosch University is able to launch Sunsat micro satellite of the University in 1999 at this point and picked up the reins. Program of the University was able to form a private company called greenhouse and information systems in March 2000, was a success.

Is one of the problems of aerospace industry of the Republic of South Africa long, unregulated was; Did not cohere and NASA to oversee the comprehensive development as one body. Act as the umbrella organization National Research Foundation of several research institutions and programs, and Board of Directors is scientific and industrial research laboratory (CSIR). Science and science satellite program and also is the action of the Department of trade and industry.

To impose order on some confusion that the South Africa Republic national cosmic Agency Bill was signed into law in 2009. Provisions of the national space agency oversees the Bill to adjust the activities related to all areas place country program initiatives. The said the Agency also "universe; The promote the peaceful use. To promote the study of astronomy, Earth observation, communications, navigation and space physics; to promote international cooperation in space-related activities; human capital development and outreach program to advance the science, engineering and technology skills through ". Must be in addition to "to promote the development of a space mission technology platform development Gets the smoothes the dissemination of all space satellite data State organs".

Development of local technological platform is especially important. Otherwise, depends on the platform outside of country became stuck in the Sumbandila satellite launch large failed degree and repeats. South Africa Republic of Sumbandila the second low-Earth orbit satellites that it currently world left around while the road to its launch was particularly Rocky.

From the Russia satellite, submarine launched in late 2007, was first launched, but never a clear reason (was rumoured Russia words, South Africa Republic's defense Division was involved) was aborted. Got any timing issues can send into space agency Roskosmos, Sumbandila launched coordinated at will, and to maintain. Released December 25, 2008 March 25, 2009 time period were moving. It [February 5, 2009, late shifts and in August, back September 17, 2009, when finally breach the Earth's atmosphere.

Despite the recession, things are looking to the aerospace industry of the Republic of South Africa. Refers to the growing international interest in Peter Martinez, South Africa Observatory, South Africa Republic aerospace technology. Competing against Australia to host now SA large square kilometre array telescope installations (results will be announced in 2011), and hosts the International Astronautical Congress in 2011, the first African city, Cape Town is already determined.

There are plans to develop a more Earth-observation satellites greenhouse Bart Cilliers, Managing Director, geostationary satellites as well as Act. You need to start years continuous development and improvement in at least two more moons, 5 Ron Olivier, greenhouse, and business development Executive Director says.

Chief said the Government's Director of advanced manufacturing Space Affairs Department of trade and industry, Nomfuneko Majaja, South Africa, the next five or ten can be able to launch the satellite within years. However, Marc Comninos, Managing Director Marcom aviation and cosmic country features and the South Africa believe can launch the commercial space-flight programs by 2015, more than fast growing much.

Government holds the future of the aerospace industry priorities have any South Africa of the Republic, finally appears. Could see the boot before we know our first South Africa design, and build spacecraft provided first South Africa, on the lunar surface to walk.

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