Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Convergence for the 21 century space program

1968 Movie 2001: universe is 1960s pace continued area depicted as future, has left far fantastic journey is. Commercial spaceplane to orbiting space hotels, villages, on the Moon rotation flight to the Moon and asteroid materials used on Earth, mining still distant vision is decades away human missions to planets outside the solar power available space collects. Or? We did approaching rapidly advancing space time?

It now "small step man" Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 mission has been months since four years, many ago have stopped feel. However, you should consider other historic feats of great magnitude. One comparison of the Western United States. Take the West Jefferson millennial generation to resolve, and Lewis & Clark expedition discovery expedition after four years, yet reasonable predictions as predicted in the Jefferson. 1840 Danger not far many in the West, and domains are most of the native peoples were. Is Yes only farms downstream of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers are the little Missouri forts and trading, and had further on "mountains" or within the lower number of exploring expeditions. United States Census Bureau Western settlement, five generations only declares Jefferson after 1900, and significantly changed the situation for another 20 years. Enabled by the convergence of rapidly changing three factors: vision, motivation, and this means.

Widely shared vision in the unfocused efforts without, might conflict with. Widely felt stimulation is no lukewarm and ineffective. Stunted growth, not an appropriate means and is stillborn. Therefore, if either of these factors is missing, achievement does not occur. Means that infrastructure, and law and modified boundaries to establish and provides proper stability can be further divided into critical technical support regulations include appropriate agreements and treaties ( international considerations this section is important),.

You can be from the early events that indicate a probable until the convergence factor to cause considerable delay happened faster than was expected as the settlement of Jefferson, West show achievement was considerable achievements. For the settlement of the West this is 60 years and was after the Lewis & Clark. It is a dramatic increase in recent examples, occurred approximately 55 years Wright brothers first flight later in the late 1950s, commercial airlines. Lag when develop the means necessary to achieve the vision and motivation to reach the vision support improvement, widely critical time will feel. These factors are mature enough and at the same time (that is, when the convergence) that becomes exponential rate of change. Vision of the cross-continent if you encounter a motive to migrate West settlement convergence (Europe and the related increase in immigration since the end of the civil war), U.S. 1860s became common, and stuff in (to support the increase in industrialization) of significant levels of new sources, and train-provides a means of canned food reaches the expansion of the development of new technologies from the steel plow and other Telegraph agricultural equipment. Formation of United States Canada and the Mexico boundary and the Homestead Act was established, also important. Convergence of these factors, Western migration increases from the thousands of millions of people. Aviation, increased cross country vision was widely shared, 1950, see the improvement in diplomacy (World War II ) nation and the world please (for individuals) to motives of lust. Included means of airport facilities, air traffic control systems, and infrastructure technologies, such as Jet engines and advanced aerospace and Federal Aviation Act laws and international agreements. Enables the increase of millions of people to destinations farther down, and resultant increase in comfort, safety, convenience, speed and cost.

Describes this namespace? We are currently in pre-transcontinental train, pre-jet engine pre-convergence stage of development, major advances and changes long seems to be off. Advances have occurred and-X Prize and ( it will start immediately on the edge of the area take tourists) is Virgin Galactic's extensive exploration solar system many countries (during the currently "solar system this year and beyond ) and spacefaring-and displays from the formation of technology innovation to assist recent trends. Shorten the transition period phase of space exploration, you can use the understanding of the next decade an important period to concentrate our efforts for this convergence to our index, hastens to benefit from the advancement into space.

That can realize the vision of 2001: a space journey etc., in vision to establish a goal actually is not. And others as "which is not a goal" has pointed out that either. As a goal for publicly funded effort dealing with Apollo concerns, 1960s ), must address the public concern today, and our vision is clear, space development you must. It is important to tackle the problem of public deficits when vision also fiscally at least intermediate steps. Developed a grand vision for these reasons, public helps you identify space activities concerned, and first public concern consider unimportant rather than trying to convince you of how to better address themselves dullsville. Program devised spaces after these steps execution potential activity leads to slightly different from the current space programs's (not even necessarily thoroughly ), but far too much relevant and became has successfully finished and therefore greater chance.

About space activities on the brink as the vision of the convergence transformation lead the progress index measures motive is. Rather than just the choice of our space determines the success of the negotiations all transitions for the challenges of the 21 century. There is still need for address space vision challenging them. How we will qualify this series like this vision may be the next article.

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