Doubts about extraterrestrial life is whether or not. Alien or extraterrestrial beings exist in fact? How to look at closer distances like Star? What would stroll on the Moon and it looks like live on Mars?
To answer these questions why study astronomy? I'm sure most of you will astronauts or day dreaming that the astronomer. How has having been raised by many people of my age, you and your generation "Star Wars" and "Startrek" explore universe their lives certainly doubt that at least one time. Camp dream to conquer the vast unknown territories – wild animals at night with the stars would like a simple started to catch our eyes each shooting star. -At least the rest of the world - the wonders of the world so much watching the dream is a great source of attraction.
Come to primary and secondary schools, we were exposed to all advanced cosmic mysteries. We we science subjects concerning attention and little solar system preference for discussing and what processed beyond it. Slowly and was introduced to the magical world of our astronomy.
In astronomy, planets, stars, comets, system, and Milky Way Center deals with. We are also studies on phenomena going on outside the outside world know that Earth's atmosphere. Also trying to understand a definite evolution, space development, and found the others is considered. It is one of the oldest known field called science as a science. The ancient Greeks dare studied and discovered the area outside the our world, was one of the first. They contrive to beyond here on Earth to see the practical observation technology with its own scientific methodology to elucidate an empty entity. Daredevil at the time, ambitious amateur astronomer who, in turn, served as the basis what astronomy recently contributed to many important astronomical discoveries.
Their childhood, observe, and astronomy to the outside world confined to the forecast activities through the naked eye was. Shed light somehow the universe's mysteries in the universe of Aristotle's explanation, for the first time. True proposal he has moved it around everything else in the center of the universe, the Earth and be accepted as valid, for the first time. Hundreds of years, millions of people who have subscribed to this theory, and most of the further research it was hinged. Available sound explanation * Renaissance until it wasn't more * became possible. Became the heart of Nicolaus Copernicus, the solar system model. Sun and Aristotle claims his proposal and is claimed to be the Earth in the center of the universe. Many objections to produce his proposal, even though he was adamantly defended Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler. Galileo add innovations to enhance his observations using a telescope. Kepler, devised the system correctly describing the Central solar planetary motion details on the other hand, for the first time.
These are the basic knowledge astronomy. Circumstances beyond its control, and then entered the University focused on the interests of our respective fields our quest stopped further to study the universe. To rekindle the old passion however, it is never too late. Once the astronomy enthusiast, always, astronomy enthusiasts. I, one was about the reunion of some sort of my childhood fascination world our world outside. I for myself many ideas, I ensure that do not understand the concept of astronomy is actually was surprised to see well. Without a second thought I was from the Internet, some self-taught. I also came across online college courses in astronomy.